Thursday, August 28, 2008

Costumed Sketch Night: Kaiju theme!

Costumed Sketch Night was last night, and we had a Kaiju Big Battel-inspired evening!

Top-Bottom, left-right:
Annie as The Scarlet Pimp
Nick as Dandy Diabolico
Alison as Lucha Lolita
Will as Doctor Boxagon

The Scarlet PimpDandy Diabolico
Lucha LolitaDoctor Boxagon

A big thanks to all of my models! We had a great time, and didn't actually destroy as much of the city as it seems (if anybody needs a small cardboard city, I have one available). Thanks to everybody who helped build the city, also! This was the last Costumed Sketch Night of this year, and they will resume January 29, 2009 at the usual place.

Twenty Minute Sketch: Doctor Boxagon is DeadTwenty Minute Sketch: Kaiju at Rest Don't worry, I did sketches too!

If you'd like to see more, I'd suggest starting here since I did some ridiculous running commentary.