I am getting better at screwing up. Though how I managed to put together an entire quilt block upside down is a little beyond me. It was really depressing for about a minute (because they take at least some work to put together) but then, THEN! I noticed it!
Here's a picture of the finished quilt:
There in the robot tummy is Quilt Block Redemption! The design goes backwards there! I wasn't screwing up, I was unintentionally working ahead! So instead of doing blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, I'd done 1, 2, 18, 4!
This isn't exactly a lemons-to-lemonade style thing, but I'll take what I can get.
Just for reference, here's the design with the correct (new) quilt block:
I think Thursdays are just going to be either Fail Days or Thrift Days (if I can ever stick to a schedule) so be prepared for that.
Have you seen any good craft/art/sewing fails? Or created any of your own?
I'd love to hear about them (to further help me feel less derpy).
Oh, let's see... I've sewn pockets on inside out, sewn liners onto bags inside out, cut pieces too small even after measuring, all kinds of dumb stuff!
Yesterday I unpicked the same seam 3 times, before i screamed at myself for being so lazy and "Just pin the thing will you!!"
(I dont like pinning!)
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