Not my picture, it's from here on DeviantArt
I'm dressing up as Eruka Frog (a good witch) from Soul Eater this weekend at Animazement, and I'm working on making the dress. I've got the wig from Epic Cosplay and I actually ordered the hat from Amazon (who knew?) - so I'm working on the dress.
Dress Mess
This is the first time I'm making a whole dress from a pattern, so it's kind of intimidating. Plus, of course, I'm altering the pattern, so it's not entirely straightforward. I'm using Vintage Vogue pattern #2267/V30 and shortening the skirt. We'll see how this turns out. I'll be sure to post pictures.
Also! Here's me in my wig:
White hair would be so fun if it didn't take so much upkeep!
More posts soon!
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