Friday, December 18, 2009

A Plush A Day Challenge! Day 28 - Apple the Kitty & Hibernation

A Plush A Day Challenge!  Day 28 - Apple!
Day 28 - Ball o'Kitty

It has been a dreary day here, and for all dreary days, there is an appropriate response: curling into a ball and taking a nap. Apple is always on top of this idea, but at other times exists only as a surprised blur flitting about the house. There's just no between.

Here we are in one of the still moments. Shhhh.

Plush A Day Challenge - Temporary Winter Hibernation!Oh yes! Winter hibernation!
The Plush A Day Challenge is going on Winter Hibernation until January 1, 2010! This will give me time to work on, finish up, start some presents, do a lot of travelling, all kinds of stuff for the holidays!

I'll probably still post occasionally, but I know you all read this at work, and you'll be off gallivanting as much as I will. So, me and plushies will be back in two weeks - see you then!


Anonymous said...
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Amy, Library Maven said...

Craig and I will eagerly await the return of the plushies. I am totally in love with them.